This is a definitively uncomplete list. If you have/know any other title related to the P101, please let me know! (xerox copies very welcome)
Programma 101 - Calcolatore elettronico da tavolo - Manuale generale.
Olivetti 1967 (at least, the one I have has this date.)
The machine's user manual
Programma 101 - Calcolatore elettronico da tavolo - Manuale di programmazione.
Olivetti 1968 (at least, the one I have has this date.)
The machine's programming manual, although most of the information is already in the "Manuale generale"
Programma 101 - Calcolatore elettronico da tavolo - Biblioteca programmi.
Olivetti (no date)
A list of programs that were available at time. Probably only the first volume.
Olivetti Programma 101 Application series - Selected applications: Economic analysis. Estimating Demand and
price structures by residual analysis.
William L. Park / Olivetti Corporation of America (no date, but about 1967-68)
A few very specific programs with detailed analysis.
Computer Structures: Readings and Examples
C.G. Bell, McGraw Hill 1971
Has a chapter about the Programma 101. BTW, this fundamental textbook is completely online.
Programma di calcolo degli equilibri chimici per un Olivetti 101
Luciano Angelin, 1970
Elementi di programmazione per calcolatore Olivetti programma 101
Nadia Penserini, Zanichelli 1973
Still in 1973, the P101 was interesting enough to have a book published teaching how to program it!
Calcul d'un "cheminement orthogonal" avec le calculateur électronique de table Olivetti
Programme 101
A. Frund and A. Miserez, article in VPK/MPG, 1970
Programma 101 per l'insegnamento della matematica
Anna De Amici, Olivetti
Programma 101 - L'invenzione del personal computer, una storia appassionante mai raccontata.
G. Perotto. Sperling & Kupfer 1995
In italian, memories of the engineer that headed the development team of the Programma 101.
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